Polyester Pool Coating

Laminated polyester is a preferred swimming pool coating in many underground basins.

Contemporary, economical, durable and easy to maintain, polyester is a pool coating with many advantages. Accessible at a reduced price compared to the more complex mosaic coating more complex, polyester swimming pool coating is naturally waterproof by its physical properties. It also has an excellent coefficient of elasticity which allows it to adapt optimally to regular ground movements encountered in particular in the Alpes-Maritimes region (06).

With excellent resistance over time and optimum ease of daily maintenance, the polyester swimming pool coating also offers a wide choice of options for the treatment of swimming water. Chlorine, bromine or electrolysis treatment with salt: all treatments are possible without risk of degradation of the coating.

If the pool coating can sometimes become brittle over time, polyester can however be partially and quickly repaired in the event of a crack!

As you will have understood, the polyester swimming pool coating is an excellent durable and modern material to create and / or renovate a swimming pool of any volume. The application of polyester is also suitable for different substrates, whether concrete, steel and / or wood to meet a maximum of demands.

Need to create or renovate a swimming pool coating on raw concrete or a polyester shell? Call a specialist in reinforced polyester coating.

Polyester pool liner:
what is it?

Polyester lining is to be dissociated from the polyester shell.

Although it is the same material used for manufacturing, polyester liner and polyester shell are two very different things. Although identical in appearance, polyester lining is a material that can completely cover the inside of a concrete or other rough material pool to waterproof it and provide a finish with a boat hull effect.

Applied in several layers in the pool, polyester lining adds a thickness ranging from 2.5 to 4mm to the entire pool structure.

This additional waterproof layer is composed of a mixture of resin and glass mat capable of ensuring the total waterproofing of the pool.

Unlike a polyester hull which is only a one-piece component, the polyester liner benefits after its application from a visual and sensory finish provided by special products. A "Gel Coat" and a "Top Coat" are applied successively at the end of the operation to protect the pool from cracks and provide a smooth top coat over the entire surface of the swimming pool.

Both visually and to the touch, the interior of the polyester-lined pool is therefore aesthetically soft and modern.

The polyester pool liner therefore creates a protective and resistant envelope in all pools regardless of their shape, construction material or even size.

MC Piscine will install your custom-made polyester pool liner in Monaco, Menton, Cannes, Théoule-sur-Mer or Roquebrune Cap Martin

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What are the advantages of a polyester swimming pool liner?

Like all quality swimming pool coverings, polyester offers many advantages in different ways.

Material widely used both to cover the inside of private and collective swimming pools, the polyester coating is often preferred by owners and condominiums for its optimal longevity over time and its excellent aesthetic rendering allowing to create a high swimming pool area. range. But this is not its only advantage: polyester is also a material that has many natural advantages in its constitution which allows it to adapt to a maximum of configurations.

The poly coatingester can be applied to a new swimming pool as well as to a swimming pool under renovation.

Why choose a polyester liner in a pool

You have a pool being renovated or a new pool to cover, it is important to choose the right liner.

In this respect, polyester is an ideal solution. Thanks to its constitutional advantages, polyester lining is nowadays a much sought-after element for the interior of private or public pools. It must be said that its advantages are numerous and are convincing more and more people looking for a reliable and aesthetic pool liner.

  • Polyester is malleable
    Polyester fits all pool shapes and sizes. Whether you have a simple rectangular, rounded, bean-shaped, square or curved pool, polyester lining is completely malleable when applied: it can fit all pool shapes even the most complex ones.
  • Polyester is durable
    Polyester has a longevity over time ranging from 15 to 20 years. This will obviously depend on the care you take with your pool: remember to keep your swimming water with an ideal chemistry, clean your liner as often as possible, these are the right gestures to adopt to extend the life of your liner.
  • Polyester adapts to all treatments
    The polyester material adapts to all types of water treatment. This is a great advantage as it does not wear out depending on the sanitary treatment of your water. Just be sure to watch your pH level of your bathing water closely so that you don't damage the liner prematurely with a level that is too acidic or too basic.
  • Polyester is easy to maintain
    Polyester pool liners offer you easy maintenance all year round. Simply keep your pool clean on a daily basis with a pool robot or a professional maintenance intervention while controlling the water values (pH...) to ensure the cleanliness of your pool interior.
  • Polyester can be partially refurbished
    Unlike other liners, polyester is very durable. In the event of minor deterioration over time, the liner can be worked on only in the areas that have been identified to avoid having to take the entire pool liner in the event of an occasional crack.
  • Polyester is customisable in colour
    Polyester pool liner is available in a variety of colours depending on your desires and the colour of the water you are looking for. White is the most common polyester colour, but you can also opt for a blue, grey or sand liner depending on the colour of the water required.
  • Polyester can be anti-slip
    Polyester can have ananti-slip finish on the swimming areas of your choice. For the safety of bathers, it may be advisable to make the surface slightly grainy, especially if there are slopes or stairs in the pool. During application, specialists can create non-slip pool areas.
  • Polyester is very inexpensive
    As one of the most affordable pool liners, polyester lining is much cheaper than mosaic lining and yet offers a very appreciable aesthetic result.The quality/price ratio of this material is unbeatable to get a top-of-the-range pool at the best price.

Renovate your pool liner
Contact the MC Piscine experts

+00 377 97 77 35 25

How to maintain polyester pool liner?

Generally speaking, maintaining your pool is very important regardless of your chosen liner.

It is through maintenance that you can keep your pool nice, clean and in good condition over the long term. When it comes to the polyester liner, maintenance is easy although it is still essential. Certain cleaning points are essential to keep a shiny polyester liner in your pool over the seasons and years.

In the line of fire for your pond maintenance: cleaning the water line.

The water line has a tendency to blacken due to external pollution or to turn yellow due to sun creams. The result: a deposit of limescale settles on the walls and cleaning becomes difficult once the dirt is embedded. This is why we strongly advise cleaning the water line of your polyester pool at least once a week during the high season to avoid damaging the lining with encrusted dirt.

When it comes to using chemicals to clean your pool, there are no particular contraindications with polyester pool liners. Just be careful not to excessively add chemicals such as hydrochloric acid for example. This very corrosive treatment product could damage your liner due to overdosing and/or as a reaction to repeated exposure of the corrosive product on the polyester.

Polyester maintenance is therefore a matter of frequency and regular care of your pond.

To help you with the maintenance of your pool, don't hesitate to call on a specialist pool company that will offer you treatment solutions, cleaning robots, filtration systems and maintenance contracts for your private and collective pools.

Polyester pool lining: a professional job

While polyester has many advantages for lining the inside of a new or renovated pool, there are still some points to be aware of if this lining is to be optimal in every respect. In particular, the use of a polyester liner requires expertise during installation to ensure that everything is perfect when designing or renovating a pond.

In particular, there are 3 key points to be aware of and adhere to when installing a waterproof polyester liner in a large swimming pool.

Polyester installation and drying

When designing a new polyester pool liner, it is very important to follow the installation steps. The installation methodology as well as drying times are paramount for the success of a reliable, aesthetic and 100% waterproof liner. The steps for installing polyester require the intervention of professionals who know this special material and its characteristics.

The choice of coating colour

As a luxury pool expert near Monaco, we advise owners to choose a rather light shade of polyester. Although many colours are available, light colours are to be preferred not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of resistance. Conversely, a dark colour will be more fragile to U.V. rays and will tend to deteriorate more quickly over time.

The optimal water pH test

Testing the pH of your bathing water is important regardless of the coating. However, polyester is a particularly sensitive material to pH and limescale. It is therefore recommended that not to exceed a pH of 7.4 to ensure ideal water. Also remember to use "stop-limescale" solutions to prevent premature wear and tear of your coating with limescale.

Request a renovation intervention on your pool

MC Piscine, expert in the design of mosaic and polyester linings,
will come directly to your home to assess your pool as soon as possible.

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